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Semua Soal (Acak) : Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Present and Past Participle

Is Renata still busy …. her birthday party?
a. to prepare
b. prepares
c. prepared
d. preparing

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

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Soal #117336 : Bahasa Jawa SMA Kelas 12

Maneka warna jinis asil cipta sastra (utamane gancaran), bisa diowahi (dikonversi/alih dadi teks

A. gancaran dadi prosa

B. ngowahi guneman dadi dhialog

C. ngowahi guneman dadi antawacana

D. ngowahi janturan dadi antawacana

E. ngowahi antawacana dadi janturan

Soal #19691 : Run-on Sentences

WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO CORRECT THIS SENTENCE: Sarah pressed a cold washcloth against her eyes it helped relieve her headache.

A. Place a semi-colon before the word “it.”
B. Place a comma before the word “it.”
C. Place a semi-colon after the word “it.”
D. Place a comma after the word “it.”
E. Sentence is correct as is. No need to modify

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