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Picasso was one of the most outstanding and important artist of the 1900’s. He is best known for his paintings. Almost every style in modern art is represented in Picasso’s works.
Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain as the son of an art teacher. He studied painting from his father and his college level course of study at the academy of arts in Madrid.
From about 1895 to 1901, he painted realistic works in traditional style. He then entered what was called the Blue Period. During this time, he only used shades of blue in his paintings to show the poverty he saw Barcelona.
After 1908, he entered into style of cubism. Among his ell-known cubist paintings are “Three Musicians” and “Man with a Guitar”.
Picasso died in Moughins, France in 1973. He was really great artist.
What can be inferred from the text?
a. Picasso’s father was not good at art.
b. Picasso passed away at the age of 92.
c. Picasso was unpopular artist of 1990’s.
d. Blue Period shows the prosperity in Barcelona.
e. For 8 years, Picasso painted realistic works in a traditional style.
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