Latihan Soal Online

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SD Kelas 6 / Soal Ujian Tengah Semester 2 Genap (MID/UTS) Bahasa Inggris SD/MI Kelas 6

Dio always gets the first rank in his school. He is … student.
a. Clever
b. Cleverest
c. The cleverer
d. The cleverest

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PH Sejarah SMA Kelas 10 Semester Genap › Lihat soal

Kebudayaan India Kuno yang berpusat di Mohenjo Daro dan Harappa terletak di daerah….

A. Lembah Sungai Indus

B. Lembah Sungai Gangga

C. Lembah Sungai Yamuna

D. Lembah Sungai Brahmana

E. Lembah Sungai Kuning

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Question Tags › Lihat soal

The third year students went on a trip to Bnadung, ….?
a. don’t they
b. didn’t they
c. did they
d. do they

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