Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

★ Vocabulary

Derogatory (duh RAH guh tor ee)

A. Complimentary
B. Admiring
C. Insulting
D. Praising

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Tema 7 Subtema 3 SD Kelas 1 › Lihat soal

merawat dan menjaga tanaman adalah kewajiban …

A. anak

B. semua orang

C. orang tua

Grammar › Lihat soal

What type of word is the underlined word in the following sentence:
You have to look beyond those first branches to see that bright red bird.

A. Noun
B. Pronoun
C. Verb
D. Adverb
E. Preposition

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