Latihan Soal Online - SD - SMP - SMA
Latihan Soal Online

Semua Soal (Acak) : Vocabulary

The traditional methods of using a typewriter in the office seem _____________ in our technical age.

A. Impervious
B. Infallible
C. Incongruous
D. Apt

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

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Preview Soal Lainnya:

Soal #17652 : Come vs. Go

Where will she …tomorrow morning?

  1. come
  2. go

Soal #108437 : IPA Bab 2 SD Kelas 4

Perubahan wujud benda dari cair ke padat disebut ….

A. meleleh

B. membeku

C. menguap

D. mengembun

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