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★ Present Perfect Tense

I … read the terms and conditions.

A. Have
B. Has

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Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs 2014/2015 › Lihat soal

What is the main idea of second paragraph?

A. Bumble bees are social insect

B. The diet of Bumblebees is nectar

C. Bumble Bees are important agricultural pollinators

D. There are over 250 species live in some parts of world

UH 2 Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kelas 7 › Lihat soal

Paragraf deskripsi yang tidak disertai opini penulis disebut ….

A. deskripsi subjektif

B. deskripsi objektif

C. deskripsi spasial

D. deskripsi waktu

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