Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

★ Grammar

If eye contact occurs. Flush your eye with water.
The notice means that ….

A. We should use it on our eyes
B. It is dangerous if we use it on our eyes
C. We must see using it
D. You don’t have to do anything it there is an eye

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Vocabulary › Lihat soal

Kahler passionately attacked all forms of tyranny, arguing that all people must be given a voice in their own government.

A. Law
B. Dictatorship
C. Democracy
D. Taxation

Ujian Nasional SMP / MTs IPS 2012/2013 › Lihat soal

Meniru sesuatu yang dilakukan orang lain misalnya, meniru cara berpakaian, gaya rambut, gaya bicara, dan perilakunya. Hal ini dalam proses interaksi sosial termasuk ….

A. Sugesti

B. Identifikasi

C. Imitasi

D. Simpati.

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