Latihan Soal Online

Latihan Soal Online - Latihan Soal SD - Latihan Soal SMP - Latihan Soal SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal

★ Comma

“A lot of people ask me why I’m so beautiful” boasted Shelly.

A. “A lot of people ask me why I’m so beautiful,” boasted Shelly.
B. “A lot of people ask me why I’m so beautiful” boasted, Shelly.
C. “A lot of people ask me why I’m so beautiful”, boasted Shelly.
D. No comma needed.

Pilih jawaban kamu:

Latihan Soal SD Kelas 1Latihan Soal SD Kelas 2Latihan Soal SD Kelas 3Latihan Soal SD Kelas 4Latihan Soal SD Kelas 5Latihan Soal SD Kelas 6Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 7Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 8Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 9Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 10Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 11Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 12

Preview soal lainnya:

Grammar › Lihat soal

People who ___ part in sports are called athletes.
a. take
b. took
c. taken part

Tema 5 Subtema 2 SD Kelas 2 › Lihat soal

Alex membaca doa sebelum makan. Bayu tidak mengganggu Alex. Sikap Bayu disebut …

A. taat

B. toleransi

C. tanggung jawab

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