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Latihan Soal Online

Semua Soal (Acak) : Grammar

Choose the sentence that uses the simple present.

A. To boy walk his dog in the park.
B. The boy walks his dog in the park.
C. The boys walks their dogs in the park.

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

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Soal #149778 : Sewa Menyewa - Fikih MTs Kelas 9

Akad atas manfaat suatu barang atau jasa dengan memberikan sejumlah uang dalam jangka waktu tertentu disebut….

A. Jual-beli

B. pinjam-meminjam

C. sewa-menyewa

D. ijab-qabul

Soal #21452 : Grammar

Which is correct?

A. ‘Good governance’ is an issue for all individuals, agencies and organisations (state, private sector and civil society) that hold power in making decisions affecting access to rights.
B. ‘Good governance’ is an issue for all individuals, agencies and organisations (state, private sector and civil society) that hold power in making decisions effecting access to rights.

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