Latihan Soal Online

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★ Many vs. Much

How … crude oil did the country import in 2013?

a. many
b. much

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English Random #2 › Lihat soal

Which is CORRECT?

A: Tomorrow we may to be going to the beach.
B: If Anna gets to the school before eight, she won’t able to get in because they open at eight.
C: In China you may have to have an international driver’s license.
D: I can’t believe it; Sumiko would never has done such a thing!
E: No, don’t call them. At this time they would be sleeping.

Kuis SKI 1 MI Kelas 5 › Lihat soal

Siapa nama Ayah Khalifah Abu Bakar ?

A. Amr bin Ka’ab

B. Abi Quhafah

C. Sa’ad bin Taim

D. Zubair bin awwam

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