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Semua Soal (Acak) : Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Bobby … on the non-profit organization for six month next week.

  1. will have been being
  2. will havebeen be

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

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Soal #128184 : Kuis IPS 1 SMP Kelas 9

Goncangan akibat gempa bumi membuat gerakan tanah di dasar laut, sehingga menimbulkan gelombang laut disebut ….

A. badai

B. banjir

C. tsunami

D. topan

Soal #31215 : Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Conversation

Rina : ” Did you enjoy the meal?”
Nola : ” Sure, it’s wonderful …. did you cook all the food by yourself?”
Rina: “Oh no, my sister helped me prepare all the food. I’m happy you enjoy it.”
Which of the following expressions is not suitable to complete the dialogue?
a. I feel quite annoyed
b. I’ll never forget it
c. It has made me satisfied
d. It’s such good I’ve ever had

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