what can be inferred from the text?
a. chian and japan had a great relationship during the first half of the 20th century
b. china federation of demanding compensation (CFDC) has asked japan to return the artefact without any condition
c. japan was ruled by china in the 20th century
d. CFDC wanted the japan emperor to admit their aggression to china in the 20th century
e. CFDC may have sent a letter directly to the japan emperor without involving their government
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A. إلى المدرسة
B. إلى المسجد
C. إلى البيت
D. إلى السوق
› Soal #144027 : Ujian Bahasa Indonesia SMA Kelas 10 Semester Ganjil
Penggunaan kata kerja sering ditemukan dalam laporan observasi. Kata kerja adalah ….
A. Adjektiva
B. Pronomina
C. Verba
D. Nomina
E. Afiksasi
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