Latihan Soal Online

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SMA Kelas 10 / Sumatif PPKn SMA Kelas 10

Secara yuridis konstitusional Pancasila sebagai dasar negara ditetapkan pada tanggal….

A. 01 Juni 1945

B. 17 Agustus 1945

C. 18 Agustus 1945

D. 17 Agustus 1950

E. 05 Juli 1959

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Soal #19692
WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO CORRECT THIS SENTENCE: I knew my term paper was not very good, so I placed it in a shiny plastic cover to make it look better.

A. Place a semi-colon before the conjunction.
B. Place a comma before the conjunction.
C. Place a semi-colon after the conjunction.
D. Place a comma after the conjunction.
E. Sentence is correct as is. No need to modify.

Soal #19693
WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO CORRECT THIS SENTENCE: In the next minute, 100 people will die, over 240 babies will be born.

A. Place a semi-colon before the number "100."
B. Place a comma before after the word "babies."
C. Place a semi-colon after the word "die" and delete the comma there.
D. Place a comma after the word "babies."
E. Sentence is correct as is. No need to modify.

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