Latihan Soal Online

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SMP Kelas 9 / Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMP /MTs Kelas 9

Due to the 20th anniversary of SMP Bina Taruna Bangsa, annual English contests will be held. They are debate, drama, speech, story retelling and wall magazine.
Please register before Oct 28th to Ms. Santinem or contact 085882765432 (Ms. Hamidun)
Based on the text above, we know that ….
a. The person in charge with registration is Ms. Santinem.
b. You have to go to the school for information/registration
c. The event is held every month.
d. There are four events competed in the event.

Pilih jawaban kamu:

Latihan Soal SD Kelas 1Latihan Soal SD Kelas 2Latihan Soal SD Kelas 3Latihan Soal SD Kelas 4Latihan Soal SD Kelas 5Latihan Soal SD Kelas 6Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 7Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 8Latihan Soal SMP Kelas 9Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 10Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 11Latihan Soal SMA Kelas 12

Preview soal lainnya:

Pencak Silat - Penjaskes PJOK SMP Kelas 7 › Lihat soal

Salah satu fungsi kuda – kuda adalah

A. Memperkuat pijakan agar tidak mudah jatuh

B. Membantu kekuatan pukulan

C. Memperkuat tendangan

D. Agar mudah jatuh

Remedial UAS IPS Semester 1 Ganjil SMP Kelas 7 › Lihat soal

Indonesia memiliki iklim….

A. tropis

B. kemarau

C. hujan

D. dingin

Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:

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