Ing ngisor iki kalebu paraga ing cerita Ramayana kajaba ….
A. Rama
B. Sinta
C. Anoman
D. Janaka
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› Soal #20650 : GrammarI do have one question in most families there are more children than the parent/parents in this case how would you accomadate the family?How would you re-write this sentence?
A. I do have one question, in families that have more children than parents, how would you accomadate the family?
B. I do have one question: “In most families there are more children than parents. In this case how would you accomodate the family?”
C. In most families there are more children than the parents in this case how would you accomadate the family?
D. How you would accommodate families that have more children than parents?
› Soal #98280 : Pola Makan Hidup Sehat - Penjaskes (PJOK) SMP Kelas 7
Zat yang diperlukan oleh tubuh salah satunya berasal dari tumbuhan disebut . . . .
A. protein nabati
B. protein hewani
C. mineral
D. kalsium
Materi Latihan Soal Lainnya:
- PH Sejarah 2 SMA Kelas 10
- Fotosintesis - IPAS SD Kelas 4
- Bunyi - IPAS SD Kelas 5
- Partikel - Bahasa Jepang SMP Kelas 8
- Kuis Biologi 4 SMA Kelas 12
- Potongan Sayur - Boga SMK Kelas 10
- UH Sejarah 3 SMA Kelas 10
- Ulangan PPKn Tema 2 SD Kelas 5
- PH Bahasa Mandarin 1 SD Kelas 5
- PAT Geografi SMA Kelas 10 Semester Genap