Latihan Soal Online - SD/MI - SMP/MTs - SMA | Kategori : Semua Soal
Coca Cola invented in 1886 by atlanta pharmacist John S. Pemberton. The name of the product was actually proposed by Pemberton’s assistant, Frank Robinson. The name was taken from the most two unusual ingredients in the Africa Cola nut.
The recipe for today’s Coca cola is very well guarded. Many of the ingredients are known; in lemon, orange lime, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, caramel, sugar. The proportions of the ingredients and the identity of coke Secret ingresients are known by only few of coca cola Company’s senior corporate officers
It can be inferred the passage that…
A. the publics knows all the ingredients in Coca-cola
B. there is not secrets at all about the ingredients in Coca – cola
C. The public is not sure that coca leaves are used in Coca-Cola
D. The public does not know how many cola nuts are used in a batch of Coca Cola
E. No one knows the exact proportions of ingredients used in Coca cola
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PAT IPS SMP Kelas 7 › Lihat soalAgama islam mudah diterima oleh rakyat Indonesia, sebab…
A. agama islam disebarluaskan tidak dengan paksaan dan tanpa syarat
B. adanya peraturan zakat dapat meringankan beban ekonomi umat islam yang ekonominya lemah
C. agama islam berkembang menggunakan wayang dan gamelan
D. persyaratan untuk masuk islam hanya membaca dua kalimat syahadat
Pengukuran Panjang dan Berat - Matematika SD Kelas 4 › Lihat soal
Hasil dari 3.500 g adalah . . . hg.
a. 3,5
b. 35
c. 350
d. 3.500
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