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Latihan Soal Online

Semua Soal (Acak) : SMA Kelas 12 / Prediksi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12

Man: The secret city of itza i Maya is located 75 miles East of Merida. The capital of the Stage of yucatan, Mexico, This archeological site is rated among the most important of the maya cultures and covers an area of approximately 6 squares miles, where hundred of buildings once stood. Now most are mounds but about 30 may still be seen by tourist. The steps pyramid stand about 30 meters high and consist of a series of 9 squares terraces with 6 meter hig temple upon the summit. The side of this building are approximately 55,3 meters at the base and rise at angle of 53 degress although that varies slightly of each side

Narrator: What is being described in monologue ?

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Soal #135012 : Kuis Ruang Lingkup Biologi SMA Kelas 10

“ Pharmacies Mags” merupakan sebuah majalah yang dikirim untuk seorang peneliti. Kita bisa menduga profesi atau spesialisasi peneliti tersebut adalah …

A. Dokter

B. Ahli kelautan

C. Ahli genetika

D. Ahli tumbuhan

E. Psikolog

Soal #37320 : Teks Iklan, Slogan dan Poster - Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kelas 8

Unsur iklan berupa orang atau organisasi yang memberi dana untuk pemasangan iklan disebut….

A. media

B. pesan

C. sumber

D. penerima

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