Trias politika adalah teori pengembangan kekuasaan menurut….
a. John Locke
b. J.J. Rousseau
c. Thomas Hobbes
d. Montesquie
e. Machiavelli

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas
SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12Preview Soal Lainnya:
› Soal #83598 : Bahasa Jepang SMA Kelas 12kore wa nan desuka
A. ごみはこ
B. がみばこ
C. ごみばこ
D. たぎまこ
E. ふでなこ
› Soal #10636 : Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMP / MTs Kelas 9
Pandeglang, 09 July 2012
Dear Indah,
I am very glad to write this letter to you, I want to tell you about my new school.
I am studying at SMPN 2 Cigeulis. Now I am at the 9th grade. I have met a lot of friends here.
My school is located in the city. It has a big library a representative class and laboratory. The school is tidy and clean. I am very happy studying here.
Please write back and tell me the condition of our school. Don’t forget to convey my greetings for our teachers and our friends. I love you all.
With love
Nadia Maharani
“It has big library, a representative class and laboratory”.
The word it refers to …
A. Nadia’s new school
B. Nadia
C. Indah
D. Nadia’s old school
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