Latihan Soal Online - SD - SMP - SMA
Latihan Soal Online

Semua Soal (Acak) : SD Kelas 5 / PAI Pelajaran 8 SD Kelas 5

Salah satu amal yang di terima oleh Allah adalah…

A. Ikhlas

B. Hidup sederhana

C. Hemat

D. Sombong

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

Pilih soal berdasarkan kelas

SD Kelas 1 SD Kelas 2 SD Kelas 3 SD Kelas 4 SD Kelas 5 SD Kelas 6 SMP Kelas 7 SMP Kelas 8 SMP Kelas 9 SMA Kelas 10 SMA Kelas 11 SMA Kelas 12

Preview Soal Lainnya:

Soal #119313 : IPAS SD Kelas 4

Minyak goreng merupakan contoh benda yang berwujud….

A. Padat

B. Gas

C. Cair

D. Uap

Soal #14492 : Ujian Semester 1 (UAS) Bahasa Inggris SMP /MTs Kelas 9

PT Semesta Madani, a fast growing company in retail looking for highly dynamic and qualified people to fulfill in position of: Store Manager (STO), Service Manager (SEM), Sales Executive (SAE), Adm Marketing Crm (ADM) and IT Programmer (ITP)
➢ F/M, 35yrs, preferably with 5 yrs experience in retail sales, strong managerial and communication skills (STO)
➢ Male, S1 electronic technique, max 35 yrs, min 3 years experience in same field (SEM)
➢ Keep track of and clients feedback on how they view our service (SEM)
➢ M/F min D3 proven sales/Mkt, innovative sales strategic and result oriented (SAE)
➢ Develop and acquire new potential costumers & identity client needs/feedback (SAE)
➢ Female, D3, 28 yrs, familiar with Microsoft Dynamic CRM, IT literate (ADM)
➢ M/F S1, proficiency with query, CSS3, HTML5, Java script, visual studio (ITP)
➢ Motivating, organizing & encouraging team work within the work force to ensure set productivity target are met (all)
Interested candidates are invited to send application, qualification, experience and salaries expected
by e-mail in one week to:
PT Semesta Madani, TridaraEkajaka Building 13th Fl, Jakarta Pusat

Which position can’t a woman apply for?
a. Store Manager
b. Sales Executive
c. IT Programmer
d. Service Manager

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