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★ Sejarah Kelas XI IPA Semester 2

Pegawai sipil Belanda (NICA) yang ikut datang ke Indonesia bersama Sekutu dipimpin oleh….
a. van der Plas
b. van Royen
c. Jenderal Christison
d. W.R. Petterson
e. Mac Arthur

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PH Tema 8 Subtema 1 SD Kelas 4 › Lihat soal

Laju sepeda dapat diperlambat sampai kemudian berhenti karena memanfaatkan gaya ….

A. gravitasi

B. gesek

C. magnet

D. pegas

Grammar › Lihat soal

What type of word is the underlined word in the following sentence:
I would to say that in addition to my talent of singing, I am pretty good at dancing as well.

A. Noun
B. Pronoun
C. Verb
D. Adverb
E. Preposition

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