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Semua Soal (Acak) : Sejarah Kelas XI IPA Semester 2

Janji kemerdekaan yang disampaikan oleh Kuiaki Koiso lebih dilatarbelakangi oleh….
a. keinginan Jepang untuk membentuk persemakmuran di Asia
b. wujudk kepedulian Jepang terhadap sesama negara Asia
c. ungkapan terima kasih Jepang kepada Indonesia
d. wujud balas budi Jepang terhadap Indonesia
e. terdesaknya Jepang oleh serangan militer Sekutu

Pilih jawaban kamu:
A  B  C  D  E 

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Soal #30478 : Ujian Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 10

Marion Barber was born on June 9, 1983, and growing up in Minnesota. He attended Wayzata High School in Minnesota, and excelled in football, baseball and track. Then, he attended the University of Minnesota, where he majored in Business Marketing. In his college football career, Marion Barber would earn myriad honors and broke numerous records to boot. Marion Baber’s 3.276 yards and 14.100-yard rushing games ranked third in Minnesota Golden Gophers history.
Marion Barber hit the big time when the Dallas Cowboys selected him as the fourth round of the 2005 NFL Draft. Fans with Dallas Cowboys ticket watched Marion Barber emerge as a starter, rushing for 95 yards against the Seattle Seahawks and 127 yards against the Arizona Cardinals, which was the first 100-yards rushing game of the season for the Dallas Cowboys.
He and the Dallas Cowboys agreed to a six-year contract extension worth $45 million. His stats will continue to improve and impress his teammates, coaches, and fans with Dallas Cowboys tickets.

The tense mostly used in the text above is….
a. simple past tense
b. simple present tense
c. future tense
d. past future tense
e. past perfect tense

Soal #130111 : Remidi PAS Geografi SMA Kelas 11

Indonesia memiliki 3 Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI). Dampak positif yang diperoleh Indonesia diantaranya

A. sebagai ancaman kedaulatan bangsa dan negara

B. meningkatnya kejahatan laut seperti perompak

C. ancaman pencemaran laut

D. sebagai jalur pelayaran dunia sehingga dapat meningkatkan perekonomian nasion

E. tumbuhnya rasa memiliki kelautan Indonesia

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