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Latihan Soal Prediksi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12

Preview Soal Acak Prediksi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12

Mulai Latihan :

Hi, Guys! Our Neighborhood wild hold a Fund Rising Acivity next month. It is intended to help victims of the landslade which happen yesterday. Everyone who is interested in this activity, Please join us. You are also invited to donete your used clothes. If you have any question, Please feel to contact Ms. Maryam as chief program coordinator at her house from 07.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m. Monday to Friday

What is the announcement about ?

A. A neighborhood activity

B. Ms. Maryam Program’s

C. Used Clothes donation

D. Victims of a landslide

E. Fund Raising activity

Man : Paris is the capital city of French. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is also one of the world most crowed cities. Lovely gardens and parks are found throughout Paris. At nigt many palaces and statues are lit up. For this reason Paris is often called the city of light. Every year millions of people visit Paris. Teh most favourite place to visit is the Eiffel Tower. This Stucture has become the symbol of Paris. The Lourve, one f the world’s largest art museum drugs any visitors. The Cathedral of Norte Dome are famous chruch is another favourite palce to visit.

Narrator : Twelve, What’s the monologue about?

A. Paris

B. The lourve

C. Norte Dome

D. The Crowed city

E. The city of light

The following are the effects of watching TV a lot. Except….

A. Stress

B. Being Active

C. Being agressive

D. Bedtime Disruption

E. Shorten sleep duration

We can infer from the text ….

A. High school graduates are reluctant to seek a job

B. High school graduates have no interest in the kinds of jobs offered

C. High school graduates do not know what to do after garaduation

D. High school educations provides their student with skills and tools needed

E. High school educations prepares their students to continue to a higher education

Man :Have you had a job before?

Woman : yes but in a smaal printing company

Man : Why do you want to work here?

Narrator :what is te dialogue about ?

A. Job vacancy

B. Job Interview

C. Printing company

D. Getting high salary

E Findin job

” Meanwhile many studies have identified relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive an overweight” (par 4) .
The synonym of Undrline Word is ….

A. Obese

B. Skiny

C. Slender

D. Thin

E. Slim

Woman ; Hy, You look concern, what are in your mind?

Man : The final Exam. I’m not fully prepared yet

Woman: Well Don’t worry too much you still have three days

Man: Yeh, but three days would by pass in the wink

Woman: Well, you still have time to count thing into brain anyway

Narrator : Why does the woman suggest the man no to worry about the exam ?

A. The exam is easy

B. This time will not fly

C. The exam is in three weeks

D. He knows many things about the exam

E. He steel has three days for the exam preparation

” …. The seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami ” ( par 2) The closest meaning of the underlined word is ….

A. Suitable

B. Enought

C. Unusual

D. Dangerous

E. Appropiate

What can parents do to mitiage the bad effect of watching TV too much ?

A. The parent should limit the number of televisions at home

B. The parent should prepare a TV aet in their kid’s bedrooms

C. The parent should review the ratings of the TV programs watched by their kids

D. The parent should let thier children watch TV alone

E. The parent should  not discuss the bad effect of TV wth their children

Coca Cola invented in 1886 by atlanta pharmacist John S. Pemberton. The name of the product was actually proposed by Pemberton’s assistant, Frank Robinson. The name was taken from the most two unusual ingredients in the Africa Cola nut.
The recipe for today’s Coca cola is very well guarded. Many of the ingredients are known; in lemon, orange lime, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, caramel, sugar. The proportions of the ingredients and the identity of coke Secret ingresients are known by only few of coca cola Company’s senior corporate officers

It can be inferred the passage that…

A. the publics knows all the ingredients in Coca-cola

B. there is not secrets at all about the ingredients in Coca – cola

C. The public is not sure that coca leaves are used in Coca-Cola

D. The public does not know how many cola nuts are used in a batch of Coca Cola

E. No one knows the exact proportions of ingredients used in Coca cola

What does the text explain?

A. Hypocenter

B. Earthquake

C. Seismometer

D. Seismograp

E. Natural Phenomenon

Accordings the text ….

A.High school graduates already have the skills needed

B There are many careers open for high school graduates

C. Employes tend to be more open to high school graduates

D. Serious consideration is necessary before making a decision

E. Hihg school graduates tend to get a job rather than go to university

The Hares were so persecuted by the other beats. They did not know where to go. As seriuos they saw was single animal approah them off the rein. One day they saw a troop of wild horses tand feeding about.And quite a panic all the hares cuddled up to a lake near by determined to drown themselves rather than live in such as a continual sate of fear. But just theyve got near the bank of the lake. a troop of frogs were frightened by the approach of the hares, hoped off and jumped into the water. Truly! said on the hares beings are not as bad as they have seen.

What did the frogs do after they were frightened by hares?

A. They ate an animal

B. They lived in a lake

C. They saw wild horses

D. They went somewhere

E.They jumped into water

” Our team was ambushed on their way to the comunity .. (par 3) ” the synonim of teh underlne word is ….

A. Attacked

B. Stopped

C. Trapped

D. Killed

E. Injured

Boy: the service really slow here. I’ve tried to get the wraiter’s attention for the last ten minutes

Girl : you know we have a class at two o’clock

Narrator : What’s the best response the boy to reply ?

A. I hope he server us soon

B. I expect him not to come

C. How come he is so lazy

D. Hopely he ignores us

The calsh happened because …..

A. Illegal slum dwellers resisted the demolotion of their house

B. The policeofficers and soldier shot the dwellrs

C. Nine people were killed by the security forces

D. The police officers firin the dwellers

E. The people dwelled in private land

The text telll that ….

A. Determining the right choice after graduating high school is not easy

B. Continuing one’s study to a higher educaion is the student’s dream

C. Getting a job right after graduating high school is difficult

D. Studying at the university or collage brings a kind prestige

E. Preparing for a good career is important

How does Earthquake happen ?

A. A sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust

B. Damage occurs in the earth’s crust

C. There are seismic waves

D. There is Earth’s crust

E. There are volcanoes

Coca Cola invented in 1886 by atlanta pharmacist John S. Pemberton. The name of the product was actually proposed by Pemberton’s assistant, Frank Robinson. The name was taken from the most two unusual ingredients in the Africa Cola nut.
The recipe for today’s Coca cola is very well guarded. Many of the ingredients are known; in lemon, orange lime, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, caramel, sugar. The proportions of the ingredients and the identity of coke Secret ingresients are known by only few of coca cola Company’s senior corporate officers

Which of the following does NOT true about the name of Coca-Cola ?

A. Frank Robinson Suggesed the name

B. The Inventor came up with the name

C. The name (Coca) cames fro the coca leaf

D. The name (Cola) cames fro the cola nut

E. It coes from the two ost unusal ingredients in the drink

Cianjur is a city in West Java (48) …. of Indonesia. It is (49) …. along one of the main roads betwee Jakarta and Bandung. Because of its locations, some of Cianjur’s rresident’s commute to work either in Bandung or in Jakarta. the city mainly produces agricultural (50) …. especially rice, it has been known as the major source of rice production for the havily populated Java Island

50. ….

A. Items

B. things

C. Stuff

D. Products

E. Goods

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