Semua Soal IPA Kelas 7 : UAS IPA Semester 1 Ganjil SMP Kelas 7
Sumber energi utama dalam peristiwa fotosintesis adalah ….
A. karbon dioksida
B. air
C. oksigen
D. cahaya matahari
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› Soal #10680 : Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Tahun 2015Man : It is your birthday, what do you wish for ?
Narrator : What you say perfect respond of the girl
A. I hope to get the best score in the exam
B. My Mother had no time to cook dinner
C. I never celebrate my birthday
D. It’s lovely cake and i love it a lot
› Soal #22016 : Grammar
London … in England.
A. It’s
B. Is
C. Are
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